Laura Holt's Closet is an informational website about the costumes and products that are used by the fictional character Laura Holt in the television show "Remington Steele" (1982-1987). LHC was founded in July 2013 by fans of the show.
We find an episode, discuss what Laura is wearing in a scene and provide information about companies which offer the same or similar items so that we may all recreate Laura's timeless look.
The website is a continuing journey through the world of "Remington Steele" and its related items and is not a complete catalog of outfits from this show.
Laura Holt's Closet is an unofficial information resource and is not linked to the official "Remington Steele" production companies. The information contained in this website is - to the best of the authors' knowledge and ability - accurate, truthful, factual, legal, and obtained from reliable and professional sources through considerable research and inquiry. The author will not be held responsible for any unintentional errors, incorrect information, or any inferences drawn from the content by any reader. Use at your own discretion.
Laura Holt's Closet is not affiliated with Fox, MTM Enterprises, NBC, Remington Steele, its cast, crew, writers or anyone else associated with this television show. We just like the clothes.
All photos, product names and marks on the site -whether trademarks, service marks, or other type, and whether registered or unregistered- are the property of their respective owners. Product photos are held under the copyright of their respective companies. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us.
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Contact Laura Holt's Closet by email at lauraholtscloset@outlook.com
OMG - this is fantastic! Laura Holt was my style guru in high school. Ponytail and espadrilles! You rock!